The 5th International Conference Occupational and Environmental Exposure of Skin, OEESC2011 is on June 5-8 2011 in Toronto.

Sometimes the best conferences are those with a specialist focus. I attended the OEESC  conferences in Stockholm and Golden, Colorado and found that the conferences were some of the best I have attended.

What is interesting about the conferences is the multidisciplinary nature of the participants – physicians, scientists, engineers, mathematical modellers, epidemiologists and occupational hygienists.  The Stockholm Conference was marked by contingents of people from the skin care  and defence industries hovering in the background. By the Colorado conference they were more openly participating with papers and posters

Conference Themes

1. Defining the problem, health effects, burden of disease, causation & outcomes
The goal of the keynote(s) for this session will be to summarize the current state-of-the-art knowledge with respect to burden of disease, causation and outcomes. Future expectations/challenges will be presented.
2. From the outside in: penetration, uptake and metabolism of skin exposures and their modifying factors
The goal of the keynote(s) for this session will be to summarize the state-of-the-art knowledge on how chemicals penetrate the dermal barrier, how chemicals are metabolized, how these mechanisms result in disease and the factors that modify these processes. Future expectations/challenges will be presented.
3. Exposure assessment: models, measurements and monitoring
The goal of the keynote(s) for this session will be to summarize the state-of-the-art knowledge on methods for assessing dermal exposure (questionnaires, measurement, biomonitoring, prediction models, including, the validation of new approaches and the development of scenario-based modeling techniques.
4. Prevention of occupational & environmental skin disease
The goal of this session will be to summarize the current state-of-the-art knowledge for the prevention of occupational and environmental related skin disease at the workplace e, governmental and societal levels. An international panel will comment as to the feasability of the various prevention methodologies in their jurisdiction. Future expectations/challenges will be addressed.

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